McNiven’s Meanderings; big news around the corner!

Well, folks, last week was a blur and this week seems to be the same with meetings during the day and additional work at night.  However, success does not come overnight as I’ve learned it’s by the small and simple things that are done that contribute to the whole big picture.  

This last weekend, we had another 18 news subscriptions added to our circulation from the MATE show alone where we had a booth located.  I hope you came and saw all the great stuff at the MATE show as there is great stuff to see and do there each year.  I also met some more great Montanans who live right here in our County.  

The Home Improvement Show is coming up in one week on Mar 1-3.  Come and stop by our booth and let us know what you like and what you think we can do better.  We’ll never know unless we ask, and you tell us.  

I hope you have filled out your Best of Yellowstone County Awards ballot printed in the paper each week. I think we have two more times that it will be printed in the paper.  You can send in a filled-out ballot by mail or drop off at any of our 20 locations with an official ballot box.   

I had fun helping a like-minded friend with a photo shoot this week.  It reminded me why I have a face made for radio and a voice made for a newspaper.  I’ll let you think about that for a minute before I narrow in on many of the good things happening here at Yellowstone County News.  

First, I want you to take a look at this picture? What do you see?  It is an image of an iceberg.  Now, imagine what you can’t see.  I’m referring to what’s under the water, and how much there is that you can’t see. I’ll liken this to our newspaper.  I’m also referring to what the Yellowstone County News is doing and the foundation that is being prepared since we started this endeavor some four years ago.  A lot has been done to lay the foundation for even more success.  

We’ve received so much support up to this point and we thank all those who have faith and confidence in our hyper-local weekly county newspaper that we can’t thank you enough.  There are so many moving parts to this elephant that we are eating one bite at a time. 

In fact, I will announce some big news in next week’s paper as I hope to have it all finalized.  I’ll keep you posted on the status of our big news, or as Donald Trump says, Huuuggge news!  

Yes, even Carl Wolf will be amazed to see the news, so stay tuned.  

In the meantime, if you take a look at this iceberg picture once again.  If you can only see a little tip of the good news and direction we are going, imagine what you can’t see?   

 Welcome to the new subscribers, readers and supporters of YCN.  I’m looking forward to our big news next week! 

Until then, see you in the paper!


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