Kudos to Bob Green

Dear Editor,
Kudos to Bob Green for his excellent editorial in your May 5th edition. He reminds us of the sacrifices our founding fathers and mothers made for the constitutionally protected freedoms today’s ruling class of politicians want to strip away. Had our ancestors been unarmed, America never would have become a free country, and you would not have experienced the good life most of us enjoy today. In the last century, over one hundred million innocent people were murdered by their own, mostly Communist, governments. Those unfortunate people had no way to defend themselves. Think about that. 

A worrisome trend today is non-law enforcement Federal agencies like the IRS being militarized. This, combined with gun control advocates’ goal of disarming our population is disturbing.
A January cover of the Yellowstone County news featured a woman holding a “Mom’s Demand Action” sign at the opening of the Legislature. The members of this group believe that guns, not people, are the problem behind gun violence. A recent opinion writer in the Billings Gazette thought there should be mass anti-gun demonstrations and gun manufacturers should be sued into oblivion. Both miss the point. Despite what actor Alec Baldwin and his expensive lawyers have claimed, guns do not pull their own triggers. Disarming good people will not stop evil people from doing evil things. 
President Joe Biden’s press secretary recently said the President does not want to “harden schools” – he is misguided. Why doesn’t every school in this country have armed security by now? Explain that to me. I understand Billings School District #2 turned down free metal detectors but are now looking at Vape detectors. Strange priorities. School safety should not be a political issue. 
Here is the action you need to demand, Moms (and Dad’s) – SECURE your schools!  “Gun free zones” are not safe. (https://crimeresearch.org/2023/03/vince-vaughn-explains-the-obvious-how-mass-killers-pick-out-venues-where-their-victims-are-sitting-ducks ). 
Sure, I wish we could roll back the clock to the days of my youth in Billings where people left their houses and cars unlocked, kids walked to and from school safely, Mexican drug cartels were not operating here, no one had heard of fentanyl, shoplifting was unacceptable, criminals went to jail, kids were taught to respect their parents, teachers, law enforcement and were taught civics. Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in today. If you do not wish to own firearms, don’t own them and leave the rest of us alone. That said, be intellectually honest enough to admit you still need a self-defense plan. 
In summary, every time there is another horrendous shooting by an evil person(s), politicians, mostly Democrat, clamor to take guns away from law abiding citizens rather than enforcing current gun laws and dealing with the hard-to-solve problems behind violent, anti-social behavior. Prominent left-leaning politicians, who usually have armed security, are not interested in protecting you, only in controlling you. Think about that the next time you vote. 
Teresa Darnielle-Morse
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