Skyway Drive is a Statement of Community Pride

Dear Editor,

We live in a community, that looks well into the future for opportunities to grow and develop. 

Over the years we have planned for irrigation, housing, and business parks.  Transportation routes have been in the planning process for decades, and now our community breaks ground on the second phase of the Inner Belt Loop.  A big thanks to the hard work and dedication of community leaders.  From the first discussion of a way to link not only Lockwood to the Heights (Billings By-pass), there were also discussions on how to link the Heights to the west end of Billings.  It became known as the Inner Belt Loop and would later be named Skyway Drive.  We have now secured funding, the right of way, and design.  On March 7th we began construction on not only a road, but a visionary plan for development in our community.  The Rimrocks will become a centerpiece of our community that we will celebrate and admire the views from, and no longer be a monument that divides us.  This did not happen without a lot of work, and stubbornness on the part of our community.  A council initiative that took years and commitment to keep as a priority now can be checked as completed and removed from the list.  Thanks must be given to those who have worked so hard on this project.  From City Staff to all the council members serving over two decades, we must thank all for your hard work and determination.  While this road initially was visioned as a mechanism of infrastructure and convenience, the Father’s Day tornado made a point that it was also about safety.  We look forward to the completion of this project, the completion of the Billings By-Pass, and the projects that are on the drawing boards, and in the minds of future generations.  We are Billings Strong, we are Billings Proud, and we are better when we stand together, united as a community, and visionary in our plans and goals for the future.  This is more than just another road in Yellowstone County, it is a statement of unity and community pride.  As we stand on the Rimrocks and look 360 degrees, we see for miles, and we dream of what we can be!

Denis Pitman


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